What we accomplished in 2023-24! OUR FIFTH YEAR
First of all, a HUGE THANK YOU to all the caring SNAVers who helped conserve, restore, and record nature in Southwark. The numbers of people involved keep growing, and we are making a difference! We are now 160 strong in our membership, with 770 followers on insta. All kinds of people, all over the borough, have been signing petitions, contributing to e-bird, inature, and GIGL databases, agitating and responding to consultations to speak up for nature, and getting growing!
In other exciting news, in 2023, Simon and Anna were co-opted to the Environment Scrutiny Commission (ESC) in July 2023, which focused on biodiversity last year. We all pitched in to submit maps, reports and evidence to support biodiversity in Southwark. For the ESC, Julie Timbrell is the council officer organising, and Cllr Margy Newens is chair. With their support, basically all of SNAV’s recommendations were included in the Biodiversity Report and final Recommendations! This year’s focus is on active travel. Simon continues to serve as co-optee through his role in Southwark Cyclists, and Anna has been also been asked to stay on due to her experience with design for green corridors.
We then leveraged the ESC recommendations to encourage Planning to strengthen the new Environment and Climate Supplementary Planning Document. The consultation has now closed and we are awaiting the final result.
SNAV was asked to sit on the ESC because Jenny, Susan, Simon, and Dave organised a highly successful biodiversity-related event through the Southwark Climate Justice Coalition back in March 2023. Many positive and authentic connections were made, and awareness raised!
Simon, Sarah, and Anna have participated in the burgeoning Southwark-wide Biodiversity Partnership for the past year, which is a way for nature-related community groups to connect with the Council – Anna is now working with Leanne Werner (from Wilder) to develop a Terms of Reference doc, which will include being a forum for different groups to work together to realise the Southwark Biodiversity Action Plan.
Jenny and Anna arranged a meeting between ecology council officer Liam and ecologist Aline Gomez from Network Rail in April 2024. Good introduction and alliance building!
Jenny, Sarah, and Anna were treated to a walking tour of the East Walworth Green Links, allied with Southwark Living Streets (and through them, with Rockingham Estate Community Gardens) and wrote an article on how this successful green corridor came into being. It’s important to recognise good work and good results!
Many SNAVers conceived or facilitated projects and applied for funding from CGS, the Southwark Biodiversity Fund, and other sources for projects to improve conditions for biodiversity:
-Sarah won funding for continued revitalisation of Shuttleworth Park – great improvements have already been achieved, with a huge increase in native planting, along with railing removal and playground refurbishment! Anna helped with design and drawings.
-Sarah and Anna won funding for Moreton Gate Nature Garden (Kirby/Slippers Estate), and worked with Holly to develop a design and conduct a successful public consultation. The de-paving is happening this week, generously donated by FM Conway.
-Jenny won funding for Wodehouse Street Wildlife Garden and organised neighbourhood engagement/planting events – grand opening this spring!
-Susan, Claire, and Jenny applied to further develop greening along Southampton Way (pending)
-Susan won CGS funding for Burgess Park Lake and Woodland improvements!
-Anna applied for funding to build a wildlife pond in Brunswick Park (pending)
Southwark biodiversity news beyond SNAV
Southwark added 4 new ecology officers at the beginning of 2024: Liam Nash (Parks and Ecology), Holly Weber (Climate Resilience), Joe Arrowsmith (Trees), and Sarah Morris (Planning). The new officers have been very busy with such tasks as reviewing SINCs and their management plans, administering the Climate Resilience funding, planting trees (reaching Southwark’s 100,000th tree last year!), community engagement and communication, and reviewing BNG and other ecology-related aspects of planning applications. Southwark is to be commended for finding the funding for these important full-time positions.
Trees for Bermondsey organised multiple hedge plantings, bat walks, planting, mulching, raking and other community biodiversity-related volunteer events around Bermondsey, and continued to watchdog improved tree installation and maintenance, working with various parts of the Council including Joe A. from Trees
Lorraine organised to get SNAV’s and local residents’ input into early discussions of changes to Bricklayers’ Arms roundabout.
Dave conducted several engaging bird talks, and Simon led butterfly talks and also biked across the country again, fundraising for Butterfly Conservation. Wow!
Simon also participated in the Southwark Active Travel Group, whose mission is to realise the Streets for People Plan.
Steven R. worked with the Dulwich Society to install 21 swift nest boxes in April Dulwich Estate looking to shift priorities, and improve management of its lands for biodiversity
Trees for Bermondsey worked with Froglife to get a new wildlife pond installed in the Rouel Estate Community Orchard, through Froglife. Froglife is championing the “Blue Chain” project, providing funding, labour, and training for the installation and management of ponds across targeted boroughs, including Southwark.
Rockingham Community Gardens continued biodiversity improvements across the estate, including mini-woodland restoration, hedge planting, and wildlife meadow creation. Jenny, Anna, Lorraine and Diane (from East Walworth Green Links) met with Ian Zanardelli to help seed a meadow and enjoyed an inspiring tour of the improvements.
That’s all we know about directly, but we know plenty more is happening! To share your news, email us at southwarknature-at-gmail-dot-com or join our whatsapp group here https://chat.whatsapp.com/H1il7QlQ2IbHdTruFxhDrH
What’s next?
-We could use help with repairing the floating islands in Burgess Park, creating a risk assessment for this activity, and organising volunteers.
– An exciting new Nature Garden is in the process of construction this month, at the northwest entrance to Southwark Park! If you would like to volunteer to help plant, contact us!
-Do you live on the Keetons Estate or 4 Squares Estate, and would you like to see improvements for biodiversity and greening? If so, contact us!
-Are you social-media savvy? A good web designer or photographer? Would you like to help SNAV publicise biodiversity-related issues in Southwark? Contact us!
Any other biodiversity-related accomplishments or ideas for Southwark? Let us know! Happy 2025!
Best wishes, SNAV

De-paving and freeing the soil – soon to grow into a beautiful nature garden, welcoming visitors to Southwark Park