Phase 1 of the Burgess Park Floating Islands project was completed in December, with the new islands being installed on the lake. The six islands are currently fenced to protect the plants until they are firmly established. Later this year, the fencing will be removed so that waterfowl can roost and nest safely with the hope of encouraging more species to nest on the lake. The islands will also improve water quality in the lake as roots from the plants will grow down into the water taking out excess nutrients and increasing oxygen levels.

Next Phase
In March / April of this year, the bankside will be repaired with additional soil to cover the lake liner as well as new plants to help oxygenate the water to keep it healthy for the wildlife. We will need volunteers to help with this bankside restoration. If you are interested in helping out then please get in touch with Anna.
This project has been funded by the Mayor of London Greener City Fund and the Southwark Council Cleaner Greener Safer fund.