Press Release April 2022
A consortium of Camberwell community groups have won a grant from the Rewild London Fund to improve green spaces for wildlife along the North Camberwell Wildlife Corridor.
Southwark Nature Action Volunteers will work with Elmington Community Gardens and Benhill Road Nature Garden to deliver the nature corridor across six small sites in the Elmington Estate. Together the six small sites make a green corridor of stepping stones for wildlife, and make the area greener and more attractive for residents.
The project will provide:
· More spaces for wildlife, with more interesting planting for residents
· Opportunities for people living on the Elmington Estate to experience nature in daily life and to help planting or looking after the gardens,
· Transformation of cut-grass landscape to support more biodiversity while still being easy to maintain,
· Depaving to reduce flooding and water pollution, while increasing biodiversity.
The six sites are strategically placed between Burgess Park and Benhill Road Nature Garden – both are sites of importance for nature conservation (known as SINCs). The wildlife corridor will improve habitats between the SINCs to ensure they are better connected, more resilient and create a local nature network. The North Camberwell Wildlife Corridor project is part of a wider Southwark Nature Action Volunteers project to green the routes between Burgess Park, Camberwell Green, and Brunswick Park.
The project will take place over the next year and includes consultation with local residents, workshops for children and families, planting events and local nature walks.

The Rewild London programme is supported by the Mayor of London, in partnership with the London Wildlife Trust.
North Camberwell Wildlife Corridor Partners:
Elmington Community Gardens – labour, networking, project management, management watchdog/assistance
Southwark Nature Action Volunteers – labour, networking and consulting, management watchdog
Anna Hwang Colligan Landscape Architecture – landscape architectural services
Mid-Elmington Tenants and Residents Association – organisational support
Friends of Benhill Road Nature Garden – species consult, water source logistics
Southwark Council – ongoing maintenance and management, permissions
Sterling Landscapes LTD – consulting and installation
Friends of Burgess Park – lead applicant for the funding and responsible for the claim and expenditure
For further information contact: Anna Hwang Colligan – southwarknature@gmail.com
Southwark Nature Action Volunteers: https://southwarknature.org.uk/
Wild London: https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/environment/parks-green-spaces-and-biodiversity/rewild-london-fund#acc-i-64437