We are applying again this year to de-pave and plant the bollarded area at Bowyer Place. This is about 230m2 of unsightly, unused hard surface in a sunny, high visibility, high flood risk location, right at the entrance to Burgess Park.

The project will improve the visual quality of the area, and be more uplifting to passersby than its current appearance of blight and neglect.
It will also improve biodiversity, and be a resource for pollinators and birds.
Depaving and planting also lead to improved carbon storage and reduced flood risk, which help address the climate crisis.
Does this project have Resident and Community Support?
Last year SNAV conducted a public consultation in the area, both in person and online, with 74 responses and 98% of respondents approving of the de-paving plan. We have support from Friends of Burgess Park, Elmington Community Gardens, Sophy Taylor of SE5 Forum which is also promoting green corridors in Camberwell, and Friends of Camberwell Green. We also have received support from Jon Best, Ecology Officer, and George Mellish and Craig Dove from Highways, and the late CGS officer Andy Newman, who was very enthusiastic.
How will it be Maintained?
SNAV has a growing volunteer base with our email group at over 90 members and over 550 followers on instagram. There is a huge amount of enthusiasm right now to take part in depaving and rewilding projects. We are covered by Friends of Burgess Park insurance for our events nearby the park and it is possible to wrap this area into the weekly litterpick conducted by the friends.
We are aware that there are some subsurface utilities running in this area and we plan to dig safe, maintain access to those and design planting to accommodate the access panels.
We have received a landscape contractor’s estimate at £40 per m2 for depaving, which is about £9200 for 230 m2, and we would use the remainder for soil amendment and plants. Planting costs can vary depending on the size of plants installed. If we have enough funding we will consider adding signage, seating, and an internal path. SNAV also has experience applying for various grants in addition to Cleaner Greener Safer, and a good network from which we can get donated plants.