Good News for Elmington Woods

Good news for Elmington Woods! After 18 months of effort in restoring the green space in this area, gardening and litter picking, cultivating community confidence and building awareness, Elmington Community Gardens has received explicit, written, positive reassurance from Southwark Council that all plans for infill development in this spot have been shelved, and the land is now recognised as more valuable remaining as green space than being developed as housing. Council money in the form of Great Estates funding has already gone into the gardening improvements, and new, upgraded bin storage will soon be installed in the car park. Dual ECGer and SNAVer Catalina has also applied for a Cleaner Greener Safer grant to open up and restore the woods for resident access – see visualisation below. This green space is also an important, strategically located biodiversity stepping stone in the Camberwell Green Corridor.