Some of you might be familiar with this place – a salvage shop and carwash at the entrance to Burgess Park. Many people don’t know that this is Metropolitan Open Land, and earmarked since 30 years to become part of the park. Now Southwark wants to let developers build a 7-story tower block on it instead, casting a huge, cold shadow over the nature area which is just getting established.
SNAVers have been helping the Burgess Park MOL action group by signing the petition, voicing our objections to the planning application, and writing to convince key decisionmakers: kieron.williams@southwark.gov.uk, catherine.rose@southwark.gov.uk, and johnson.situ@southwark.gov.uk. If you haven’t done these three things yet, please do so ASAP!
More details and link to planning proposal 12/AP/0451
and facebook group
Thank you!