
More homes for swifts in East Dulwich

SNAV member Steven Robinson has recently co-ordinated a Dulwich Society Wildlife Committee nest box project in East Dulwich for swifts.  UK swifts have declined by more than 60% between 1995-2021, largely due to the loss of nest sites. East Dulwich still has a good swift population and Steven and the Committee members want this to continue. 21 boxes have been installed on people’s homes …

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Susan, Anna, and Jenny during their presentation at Southwark's Environment Scrutiny Commission

SNAVers Advocate for Bigger, Better, More Joined Up Nature in Southwark

SNAVers Anna Hwang Colligan and Simon Saville are working as co-optees on Southwark’s Environment Scrutiny Commission 2023-24. The 27th February meeting, focusing on biodiversity in the borough, was led by ESC chair Margy Newens and featured presentations from SNAVers Jenny Morgan and Susan Crisp as well as Anna and Simon. SNAV’s contribution to the Commission …

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