Act Projects

Act Projects

More homes for swifts in East Dulwich

SNAV member Steven Robinson has recently co-ordinated a Dulwich Society Wildlife Committee nest box project in East Dulwich for swifts.  UK swifts have declined by more than 60% between 1995-2021, largely due to the loss of nest sites. East Dulwich still has a good swift population and Steven and the Committee members want this to continue. 21 boxes have been installed on people’s homes …

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Good News for Elmington Woods

Good news for Elmington Woods! After 18 months of effort in restoring the green space in this area, gardening and litter picking, cultivating community confidence and building awareness, Elmington Community Gardens has received explicit, written, positive reassurance from Southwark Council that all plans for infill development in this spot have been shelved, and the land is now …

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CGS Proposal: First steps toward biodiversity at the Magistrates Court

This proposal is for the area around the old Magistrates Court site behind Camberwell Green – part of a wider scheme for a green route for nature between Burgess Park and Camberwell Green. The site around the magistrates court is an opportunity to extend the green space at Camberwell Green by depaving around the site. …

CGS Proposal: First steps toward biodiversity at the Magistrates Court Read More »

Mid-Elmington Estate Block is getting Greener

The over-paved block bounded by Hopewell, Picton, Elmington, and Brisbane streets is the focus of Southwark Council’s innovative new Great Estates program, with potential support from Thames Water and other sources. The Elmington Community Gardens group is spearheading the direction for improvements. SNAVer Anna has been contracted to help with design coordination and is working …

Mid-Elmington Estate Block is getting Greener Read More »

Burgess Park Blackberry Meadow maintenance

At the beginning of September, SNAVers Susan, Anna, Jenny, Dave, and Simon met with Jon Best, Southwark’s Biodiversity Officer, and Alan from Complete Ecology to discuss maintenance of the Burgess Park’s blackberry meadow, which has attracted some fantastic birds in recent years, including blackcaps, whitethroats, and chiffchaffs. Some of the best-practice maintenance principles we identified …

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Project Duckling

In Partnership with Friends of Burgess Park Project Aim Project Duckling is the latest step in Burgess Lake‘s long journey toward ecological health. It aims to create additional habitat for water birds, encourage more successful nesting, and help to improve water quality in the lake. Friends of Burgess Park were able secure funding from Southwark’s Cleaner Greener …

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Camberwell Green Corridors

With Elmington Community Gardens Project Aim  We aim to connect four local nature areas in North Camberwell – Burgess Park, Camberwell Green, Brunswick Park and Benhill Nature Garden, with a series of Biodiversity Stepping Stones, providing more opportunities for wildlife to flourish and for people to experience nature in their daily lives. Through planning, visualisation, …

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